litlesam1: Larry - Beer selfie - First beer of the vacation - Session IPA from Lost Colony Brewery at Dinky's Restaurant - May 2021
litlesam1: First beer of the vacation - Session IPA from Lost Colony Brewery at Dinky's Restaurant - May 2021
litlesam1: Tip it on back - Larry with a Sweetwater Tropttimistic - Hatteras May 2021
litlesam1: Tipping it on back - Larry - Hatteras - Sweetwater Troptimistic
litlesam1: Larry tasting the Pickletown Dill Pickle Beer - Tip It On Back - Hatteras
litlesam1: So where's the pickle flavor - bland and boring - Larry - Hatteras
litlesam1: Larry with a jello shot - The Wreck Tiki Bar - Hatteras May 2021
litlesam1: Larry with a jello shot - The Wreck Tiki Bar - Hatteras May 2021 1