litlesam1: Entering Stirling Castle
litlesam1: First impression - Entering Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Memorial to Battalion of Princess Louise from the Boer War - 2009
litlesam1: Memorial to Battalion of Princess Louise from the Boer War
litlesam1: Memorial to Robert the Bruce at Stirling Castle - Januaray 2009
litlesam1: Carving on the base of the Robert The Bruce Statue
litlesam1: Memorial to Robert the Bruce at Stirling Castle Scotland - January 2009
litlesam1: Outer Wall of Stirling Castle - Scsotland 2009
litlesam1: William Wallace Monument - Stirling Scotland 2009
litlesam1: Village of Stirling - photographed from the castle - 2009
litlesam1: Walking to Stirling Castle - The Outer Defenses
litlesam1: Walking up the Forework to the Gate House - Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Walking up the Forework to the Gate House - Stirling Castle (2)
litlesam1: Entering Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Gillian entering Stirling Castle - January 2009
litlesam1: Viewing the Wallace Memorial from the Castle - Stirling
litlesam1: Viewing the Wallace Memorial from the Castle - Stirling 1
litlesam1: Viewing the Wallace Memorial from the Castle - Stirling (2)
litlesam1: The Palace inside Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Carvings on the side of the Palace inside Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Carving on the outer wall of the Palace inside Stirling Castle 1
litlesam1: Carving on the outer wall of the Palace inside Stirling Castle
litlesam1: The great kitchens and Gate House from inside Stirling Castle
litlesam1: The Palace inside Stirling Castle - January 2009
litlesam1: Viewing the Forework and Gate House from inside Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Another view of the memorial to Robert the Bruce - Stiring Scotland
litlesam1: Memorial to Robert the Bruce - taken from Stirling Castle - Janury 2009
litlesam1: Yard behind the Chapel Royal - Stirling Castle
litlesam1: Walls of Stirling Castle
litlesam1: The Nether Baily and Magazines - Stirling Castle