lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - The J. Paul Getty Museum 86.PA.540. Landscape with the Castle of Massa di Carrara (1827)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - Niedersächsische Landesgalerie (not on their site). Der Domplatz von Amalfi (1859)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - Neue Pinakothek 9463. Ideale Ansicht der Akropolis und des Areopag in Athen (1846)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus (the museum is closed until 2013). Innere Ansicht der Insel Capri (1833)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - The Hermitage Museum. Palace in Athens (1835)
lack of imagination: Eduard Gaertner - National Gallery of Art 1973.13.1. City Hall at Thorn (1848)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - The Hermitage Museum. View of the Valhalla near Regensburg (1836)
lack of imagination: Eduard Gaertner - Schloss Sanssouci. Schlüterhof des königlichen Schlosses Berlin (1830)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze - Münchner Stadtmuseum GM-P 13682. Propyläen auf dem Münchner Königsplatz (1848)
lack of imagination: Eduard Gaertner - Schloss Sanssouci. Eosanderhof des königlichen Schlosses Berlin (1830)
lack of imagination: Leo von Klenze – private collection. View of Atrani at Amalfi (1834)