lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove - Rademakers collection RC01:RC016. De oude gracht in Utrecht. (? ,1830-1880)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove - private collection. Holländische Stadt (1837)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – Teylers Museum KS 048. Stadsgezicht aan de Rijn, bij ondergaande zon (1836)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove - The Rademakers Collection RC01:RC017 (doek). Capriccio stadsgezicht, elementen Deventer (c. 1840s)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – private collection. View of a Dutch City (c. 1810-1880)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – Haags Historisch Museum 1939-0013-SCH. Het Oude Vrouwen- en Kinderhuis aan het Spui (2) (1830)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – private collection. Winter Cityscape with Frozen River (c. 1840s-1860s)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – Tennants Auctioneers. View of a Town with Figures in Conversation (c. 1820s-1870s)
lack of imagination: Bartholomeus van Hove – private collection. De Grote Houtpoort, Haarlem (Date: c. 1820)