lack of imagination: Adriaen van de Velde - Rijksmuseum SK-A-444. Heuvelachtig landschap met hoge weg (1660-1672)
lack of imagination: Adriaen van de Velde - Mauritshuis 198. Strandgezicht (1663/1665)
lack of imagination: Adriaen van de Velde – The National Gallery (London) NG2572. A Landscape with a Farm by a Stream (1661)
lack of imagination: Jan Wijnants and Adriaen van de Velde – private collection. Wooded Evening Landscape with a Hunter and His Dogs, Another Hunter on Horseback Conversing with a Peasant, a Fishermen and a Falconer Carrying a Hoop of Falcons on a Path, a Wagon and Other Figu
lack of imagination: Adriaen van de Velde – private collection. View from the Dunes out to Sea (c. 1655)