lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Tretyakov Gallery (?). Rain in an oak forest (1891)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum (St. Petersburg). View of Valaam Island. Kukko (1860)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum. Beech Forest in Switzerland/Буковый лес в Швейцарии (1863)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum. The Teutoburg Forest/Тевтобургский лес (1865)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum. View near Dusseldorf/Вид в окрестностях Дюссельдорфа (1865)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Tretyakov Gallery. The Forest Horizons/Лесные горизонты (1884)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - National Gallery of Armenia. Herd in the forest/Стадо в лесу (1864)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum. Landscape with a Hunter. Valaam Island/. Пейзаж с охотником. Остров Валаам (1867)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Tretyakov Gallery (not on the site). Noon in the Neighbourhood of Moscow/. Полдень. В окрестностях Москвы (1869)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Tretyakov Gallery (not on the site of the museum). The Field of Wheat/Рожь (1878)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Cheljabinskaja oblastnaja kartinnaja galereja. Edge of the Forest/Опушка леса (1879)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Russian Museum. In The Birch Tree Forest (1883)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (not on the site of the museum). Oaks of Peter the Great in Sestroretsk/Дубы Петра Великого в Сестрорецке (1886)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts (Sankt Petersburg). Oaks in Old Peterhof/. Дубы в Старом Петергофе (1891)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishin - State Museum of Fine Arts of Tatarstan Republic. At the Summer Cottage/Около дачи (1894)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Rybinsk State Museum of Architectural History and Art. Сосна на песке/Pine on Sand (1884)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Kiev National Museum of Russian Art. Дубовая роща/The Oak Grove (1887)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Donetsk Regional Art Museum. Березовый лес/Birch Forest (1871)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Russian Museum (not on their site). Backwoods/Лесная глушь (1872)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - V.P.Sukachev Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. Перелесок (Полдень)/Coppice (Noon) (1872)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Kiev National Museum of Russian Art Ж-186. Среди долины ровныя .../In the Open Valley (1883)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Russian Museum Ж-4132. Сныть-трава. Парголово/Goutweed-grass. Pargolovo (1884-1885)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum Ж-95. Туманное утро/Misty Morning (1885)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Russian Museum (not on their site). Сосновый лес/Pine forest (1885)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Tretyakov Gallery 15072. Цветы на опушке леса/Flowers on the Forest Edge (1893)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Kiev National Museum of Russian Art. Ручей в лесу (На косогоре)/Brook in a Forest (1880)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts (Sankt Petersburg). Дубы в Старом Петергофе/Oaks in Old Peterhof (1891)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin – The Russian Museum. Дорожка в лесу/Path in a forest (1880)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Volsk Regional Museum. Лесная чаща (1894)
lack of imagination: Ivan Shishkin - The Russian Museum Ж-4125. Корабельная роща/Mast-tree Grove (1898)