Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed yarns
Needlework: sampler in progress.
Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed yarns
Needlework: ribbon embroidery book
Needlework: stitch sampler
Needlework: stitch sampler
Needlework: stitch sampler pre-dyeing
Needlework: stitching with mordanted yarn
Needlework: working on their samples!
Needlework: stitch samples ready to dye
Needlework: stitch samples ready to dye
Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed samples
Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed samples
Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed samples
Needlework: Thea's naturally dyed yarns
Needlework: wool for stitching
Needlework: mordanted yarns for stitching
Needlework: Kate's stitch sampler, pre-dyeing
Needlework: Kate's stitch sampler, pre-dyeing
Needlework: Thea teaching us the ways of the natural dyes
Needlework: weighing out some logwood
Needlework: crushing cochineal into a powder
Needlework: bundling up some logwood in cheese cloth
Needlework: weighing out osage orange
Needlework: some great natural dye books
Needlework: dyeing with cochineal