wilmacheryl: Thanksgiving at the Kubota ranch. This year the feast was held on Saturday to accommodate everyone's schedules. Niece Emily, Cheery, and Twiggy
wilmacheryl: Kristin made this chocolate pecan pie. Isn't it the prettiest ever?
wilmacheryl: Mouth watering!
wilmacheryl: Twins!
wilmacheryl: Notice the similarity in hair
wilmacheryl: Juvy gets a little help playing Blokus from Twiggy
wilmacheryl: Karen's favorite game. She is quick!
wilmacheryl: My daughter Kristin and her permanent groupies
wilmacheryl: Poor Thad had to grade papers
wilmacheryl: Karen catches up on the dishes
wilmacheryl: Say cheese, Tim!
wilmacheryl: The kitchen abuzz with activity
wilmacheryl: Later Karen and Tim went out to Karen's plant room to take a break. That's Emily's dog Twiggy on Karen's lap.
wilmacheryl: Ben spent a lot of time playing computer games. The beard is new.
wilmacheryl: Randy attacking the vegetables
wilmacheryl: Kristin and Kate communing in the kitchen
wilmacheryl: Thad wrestles Sal down
wilmacheryl: Togetherness! Let's see how many people, animals, and devices we can fit on one couch!
wilmacheryl: Turkey!
wilmacheryl: And gravy
wilmacheryl: Roasted brussel sprouts with walnuts
wilmacheryl: Baked corn casserole
wilmacheryl: Kate gets water ready to take to the table
wilmacheryl: Roasted vegetable mix
wilmacheryl: While Kristin cuts the veggie loaf, Thad does taste testing
wilmacheryl: Delicious veggie loaf
wilmacheryl: Randy is the family videographer
wilmacheryl: Emily enjoys a beverage
wilmacheryl: Thad and Ben
wilmacheryl: The desserts---apple cake, chocolate pecan pie, and sweet potato pie. All were served with a large bowl of homemade whipped cream.