wilmacheryl: Kate knitting a winter scarf
wilmacheryl: Close up of the scarf
wilmacheryl: Bob and Gladys prepare one of the tables for the big meal
wilmacheryl: Chef Karen cooks up the gravy. We would normally find Tim in the kitchen, but his and Janet's flights from Texas were cancelled due to snow.
wilmacheryl: Homemade gravy
wilmacheryl: Bob and Karen mix date pudding
wilmacheryl: The final product---date pudding---a favorite Amish dish
wilmacheryl: Pan of sweet potatoes
wilmacheryl: Dad's homemade apple pie with crumb topping
wilmacheryl: Dad's pecan pie---isn't it the most perfect pie you've ever seen?
wilmacheryl: Apple, lemon, banana cream, and pecan pies, all made by Dad. Ben has recently taken up pie baking, too. The flowers were sent by Gladys' son who lives in Texas.
wilmacheryl: Dad cutting the banana cream pie
wilmacheryl: Bob and Karen brought this homemade fruit cake.
wilmacheryl: My niece Carrie with candies she made.
wilmacheryl: She called these "bacon & eggs." Aren't they cute?
wilmacheryl: Kate finished her scarf and started knitting another one.
wilmacheryl: The youngest Miller family member, Faith.
wilmacheryl: She loves to go up and down steps!
wilmacheryl: And the next youngest Miller family member is Trevor. Here he has just arrived with my brother Gary, his grandpa.
wilmacheryl: Trevor was wearing some fancy socks.
wilmacheryl: Gretchen, Jenny, and Trevor (Ray was out on a furnace service call but joined us later).
wilmacheryl: Bob and Ben confab about a medical issue.
wilmacheryl: Karen playing with the little ones.
wilmacheryl: Time to chow down. We had so many people this year that Dad decided to serve the food buffet style.
wilmacheryl: Yum!!!
wilmacheryl: Connie and Gary with Dad and Gladys working in the background
wilmacheryl: Ben, Thad, and Bob. Gladys and Dad finally take a break.
wilmacheryl: Christmas Dinner
wilmacheryl: So many people we had to use two long tables
wilmacheryl: Bob cleans up after the meal