Jessica Manack: japanese fabric
Jessica Manack: Elmer and Cora Sutton, 1930s?
Jessica Manack: pyrex haul
Jessica Manack: Good day at the flea market!!!
Jessica Manack: pyrex haul
Jessica Manack: Cindy Maze, 1870s??
Jessica Manack: recent score
Jessica Manack: japanese fabric
Jessica Manack: Gocco print run
Jessica Manack: Redclyffe Cemetery
Jessica Manack: work of art awards, 052407
Jessica Manack: on the way home from boston
Jessica Manack: Marriage Certificate, Cora Hall and Elmer Sutton, 1887.
Jessica Manack: Cora Ann Hall Sutton, 1885?
Jessica Manack: bonnie "prince" billy, funtown, ky, 072608
Jessica Manack: Bonnie "Prince" Billy
Jessica Manack: bonnie "prince" billy, funtown, ky, 072608
Jessica Manack: xmas 1982
Jessica Manack: Miss Chief in Pittsburgh Magazine
Jessica Manack: score of the day!