apassionfordetail: The little tease!!
apassionfordetail: Hello! Thanks for coming to see me.
apassionfordetail: Maybe she won't notice if I go this way.....
apassionfordetail: Dancing thru the day room
apassionfordetail: Lun depositing Xi Lan in the day room
apassionfordetail: Maybe Mama won't see me behind this post!
apassionfordetail: Ready for another drag around the day room?
apassionfordetail: Trotting thru the boo
apassionfordetail: Lun dancing with Xi Lan
apassionfordetail: Sweet Xi Lan
apassionfordetail: Xi Lan's Cubbie trot
apassionfordetail: Lun doing housekeeping with Xi Lan
apassionfordetail: All that dwaggon makes me dizzy!
apassionfordetail: Moving fast to get away!!
apassionfordetail: Oh boy! Here she comes again!
apassionfordetail: Wow! All these people come just to see me!!