Box 15 Club:
Video of the crews hitting the hot spot
Box 15 Club:
Barn and house
Box 15 Club:
E95 crew hitting hot spots in the rear
Box 15 Club:
Bn 91, Box 15, and Squad 91
Box 15 Club:
The end of the historical home
Box 15 Club:
Flowing water
Box 15 Club:
Box 15 Club:
E95 crew hitting hot spots in the rear
Box 15 Club:
E95 crew hitting hot spots in the rear
Box 15 Club:
E95 crew hitting hot spots in the rear
Box 15 Club:
Long Lay in
Box 15 Club:
Squad 91, Box 15, and Bn 91
Box 15 Club:
Crews in Rehab
Box 15 Club:
Hitting the final hot spots
Box 15 Club:
Engine 95 member stops for a quick photo
Box 15 Club:
Crews Put Away 5" Supply Line