marseille_m: Marseille's swap package.....
marseille_m: chanala and photoknitdog
marseille_m: Embassy Suites atrium, from 2nd floor balcony
marseille_m: Our room at the Embassy Suites
marseille_m: more of the atrium
marseille_m: atrium, looking up
marseille_m: individual Jelly Bellys!
marseille_m: Ann Budd's sweater class
marseille_m: knitting, during Wendy Johnson's class
marseille_m: Susi's fantastic hat color combo
marseille_m: dinner at Restaurant 415 in Ft. Collins--yum!
marseille_m: trip to Loopy!
marseille_m: neat, adjustable metal sock blockers, @Loopy
marseille_m: wall of Cascade.....
marseille_m: Lumi photobombs the Loopy logo!
marseille_m: Lumi and Loopy....
marseille_m: Lumi and Loopy and the philosophy of yarn.....
marseille_m: Lumi runs amuck!
marseille_m: in the party limo.....
marseille_m: my haul from Loopy