rebalrid: The Light
rebalrid: IMG_0470
rebalrid: No hope
rebalrid: Face
rebalrid: Down
rebalrid: Despair
rebalrid: Flux
rebalrid: Spiral decent
rebalrid: Bend
rebalrid: The Way ahead .
rebalrid: Beer
rebalrid: No one
rebalrid: Ball lighting
rebalrid: Stacks
rebalrid: Un finished
rebalrid: When in Spain. Enter .But Which???
rebalrid: IMG_0655
rebalrid: Costa Brava
rebalrid: IMG_0834
rebalrid: Costa Brava
rebalrid: Cross
rebalrid: Tree pool
rebalrid: Out pouring
rebalrid: Brick in the Wall
rebalrid: Street light having a ball .
rebalrid: Street light having a ball
rebalrid: Face .
rebalrid: A wall in time