hoods03: Spectators
hoods03: Spectators
hoods03: Early arrivals
hoods03: Start!
hoods03: Gathering
hoods03: Set up and ready to roll
hoods03: *:55am
hoods03: Gathering
hoods03: Pre-run brief
hoods03: Fornt crawl
hoods03: Front crawl
hoods03: Front crawl
hoods03: Butterfly
hoods03: Butterfly
hoods03: 2014-06-08 07.52.40
hoods03: Jump up
hoods03: Squat down
hoods03: Squat down
hoods03: Jog on the spot
hoods03: Bum kicks
hoods03: Hula hoops
hoods03: Cirle those ankles
hoods03: Stamp and clap
hoods03: Hello from event 18
hoods03: Off we go!
hoods03: Off we go!
hoods03: Sweeper up'ers
hoods03: Tail walkers are off
hoods03: Waiting...
hoods03: Lap 2