hoods03: The weekly flag challenge
hoods03: Setting up
hoods03: The blue bags with added ribbon
hoods03: Beeston AC
hoods03: Off to the start
hoods03: First timers
hoods03: Early arrivers
hoods03: Gathering
hoods03: First timers
hoods03: Gathering
hoods03: Almost time
hoods03: Caroline takes to the loud hailer
hoods03: 50th run today
hoods03: The bags - a bit heavy!
hoods03: On your marks
hoods03: Go!
hoods03: Off they go
hoods03: Flying the flag
hoods03: The bell
hoods03: First finisher
hoods03: First lady
hoods03: Finishing
hoods03: Finishing
hoods03: Finishing
hoods03: The funnel