hoods03: Your volunteers for the day! LERC
hoods03: Volunteers gather
hoods03: Shaun practising with the bell
hoods03: First timers brief
hoods03: 8.55am
hoods03: Presentation time!
hoods03: Our latest 50 Clubbers - Dot, Nik and Matt
hoods03: Pre-run brief
hoods03: Gathering
hoods03: Watches at the ready...
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Over the start line
hoods03: Off we go...
hoods03: Off we go...
hoods03: Off we go...
hoods03: First over the line
hoods03: Second over the line
hoods03: Super Kev crosses the line in third postion
hoods03: Al takes it easy before 'the big one' - RH marathon tomorrow
hoods03: Nickesh dips for the line
hoods03: Finishers
hoods03: Kath - dragging her feet...
hoods03: Finisher
hoods03: Matt - now in the 50 club!
hoods03: Medium sized finisher
hoods03: Finishers