Vintage Midcentury: walking in good shape
Vintage Midcentury: Abandoned Candy Machine
Vintage Midcentury: a tree of insulation
Vintage Midcentury: The lobby of the Ambassador Hotel
Vintage Midcentury: the famous parking sign
Vintage Midcentury: the door to the Dorchester Building
Vintage Midcentury: walkway to indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: the moss has really taken over now!
Vintage Midcentury: You're table Madam
Vintage Midcentury: can't believe these were still stacked up after all these years
Vintage Midcentury: back side of the cabanas
Vintage Midcentury: back of the main building
Vintage Midcentury: chaise lounge in the walkway
Vintage Midcentury: walkway to indoor pool
Vintage Midcentury: lobby in 2014
Vintage Midcentury: looking at the conference center
Vintage Midcentury: the overpass
Vintage Midcentury: View of the pool from the cabanas
Vintage Midcentury: Me at the pines