wideeyedwonders: DSC_0013.jpg
wideeyedwonders: DSC_0017.jpg
wideeyedwonders: DSC_0018.jpg
wideeyedwonders: yolks for my noodles
wideeyedwonders: rolling the dough
wideeyedwonders: rolling the dough
wideeyedwonders: rolling the dough
wideeyedwonders: egg noodle dough
wideeyedwonders: floury surface
wideeyedwonders: egg noodles drying
wideeyedwonders: egg noodles drying
wideeyedwonders: folding the sugar in
wideeyedwonders: smoothing the batter
wideeyedwonders: smoothing the batter
wideeyedwonders: hot out of the oven
wideeyedwonders: angel food cake
wideeyedwonders: angel food strawberry shortcake