Portia and Paul: Penguin @ the Melbourne Aquarium
Portia and Paul: Airport goodbyes
Portia and Paul: Birthday Cannoli
Portia and Paul: red lion porcelain
Portia and Paul: Maneki Neko
Portia and Paul: Maneki Neko
Portia and Paul: Maneki Neko
Portia and Paul: Dirty dog!
Portia and Paul: Birthday cake
Portia and Paul: Another shot of the Cannoli cake
Portia and Paul: Birthday!
Portia and Paul: 38th birthday
Portia and Paul: prawn cocktail
Portia and Paul: Happy Birthday
Portia and Paul: Birthday!
Portia and Paul: Mum and Dad
Portia and Paul: Finn and Paul
Portia and Paul: Lunch at the Abruzzo Club
Portia and Paul: Lunch at the Abruzzo Club
Portia and Paul: shared seafood platter
Portia and Paul: antipasto plate
Portia and Paul: at the abruzzo club
Portia and Paul: Spritzer!
Portia and Paul: Lunch at Cookie
Portia and Paul: Lunch at Cookie
Portia and Paul: Lunch at Cookie
Portia and Paul: Mum @ Cookie
Portia and Paul: Mum @ Cookie