Portia and Paul: new years eve
Portia and Paul: Cocktails
Portia and Paul: transport bar melbourne
Portia and Paul: finn and paul
Portia and Paul: portia and finn
Portia and Paul: chicken parmagiana
Portia and Paul: jacaranda tree
Portia and Paul: nic and mel
Portia and Paul: cairn terrier
Portia and Paul: christmas turkey
Portia and Paul: it all went horribly wrong a few moments later..
Portia and Paul: roses are melting!
Portia and Paul: lounge bar melbourne
Portia and Paul: rebecca and me
Portia and Paul: paul december 2005
Portia and Paul: ridiculous cocktail
Portia and Paul: christmas tree
Portia and Paul: the parenskis
Portia and Paul: the parents and me
Portia and Paul: bandito!
Portia and Paul: bhoj new years eve feast
Portia and Paul: yarra river banks