LizzieDeb: Butterfly blues...........Explored briefly.
LizzieDeb: Moth in September. Angle shades on Leaf.
LizzieDeb: Butterfly Dreams {On BBC Autumnwatch Unsprung Oct 21st}
LizzieDeb: Silver Washed Fritillary?
LizzieDeb: Humming-bird Hawk Moth.... brief encounter
LizzieDeb: A Handsome Blue Male. A Chalkhill Blue Butterfly in Evening Light.
LizzieDeb: Red Admiral, a summer beauty.
LizzieDeb: Peacock Butterfly at Lunch
LizzieDeb: Comma Butterfly Feeding
LizzieDeb: Butterfly in the Pink
LizzieDeb: Red Admiral Butterfly Salute!
LizzieDeb: Red Admiral on Display
LizzieDeb: Red Admiral and its Shadow
LizzieDeb: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Basking on the Wall of My House.
LizzieDeb: Peacock Butterfly Feeding in the July Sunshine
LizzieDeb: Sunbathing Butterfly; Speckled Wood.
LizzieDeb: Red Admiral Butterfly in all its beauty
LizzieDeb: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly on Thistle {Explored}
LizzieDeb: Nectar Fest for "Five Spot Burnet" Moths
LizzieDeb: Marbled white butterfly at dusk.
LizzieDeb: Magpie Moth in Sunshine - Explored
LizzieDeb: "X marks the spot" for this butterfly
LizzieDeb: Mother Shipton moth and Bumble bee.
LizzieDeb: Little Girl Blue.
LizzieDeb: Sleepy Common blue butterfly.
LizzieDeb: Brown argus having beauty sleep.
LizzieDeb: Brown Argus Butterfly on a chalk grassland hill
LizzieDeb: Grizzled skipper butterfly, a chequered beauty
LizzieDeb: Orange - tip Butterfly on Bluebell
LizzieDeb: No Barriers for this Butterfly.