LizzieDeb: Robin wanting food
LizzieDeb: Robin asking for food.
LizzieDeb: Robin guarding the mealworms.
LizzieDeb: Robin peering sideways.
LizzieDeb: Small Decisions
LizzieDeb: Bird in the hand...
LizzieDeb: Robin with mealworm
LizzieDeb: Mr and Mrs Robin; a devoted couple.
LizzieDeb: Mr Robin and his lady sharing a meal
LizzieDeb: Robin waiting for mealworms.
LizzieDeb: Panic! Robin feathers caught in web
LizzieDeb: Mr Robin feeding Mrs Robin
LizzieDeb: Mrs Robin being fed by mate. #1 image
LizzieDeb: Mrs Robin being fed by mate #2 image
LizzieDeb: Mrs Robin being fed by her mate. (Final photo in this mini series.)
LizzieDeb: Pretty Lady Robin
LizzieDeb: My Handsome Little Male Robin
LizzieDeb: Mr and Mrs Robin beak to beak.
LizzieDeb: Mrs Robin wants feeding by her mate.
LizzieDeb: Male Robin in Flowering Currant Bush
LizzieDeb: New Resident Robin
LizzieDeb: Mr Robin sheltering from the rain.
LizzieDeb: Robin's Return
LizzieDeb: Robin at lunch.
LizzieDeb: "Will you be my bird?" tweets Mr Robin proudly.
LizzieDeb: Robin's Eye view.
LizzieDeb: Baby robin on the patio
LizzieDeb: I'm insatiable!
LizzieDeb: Baby robin wanting food
LizzieDeb: Parent robin feeding baby {Explored}