Dennis Derby: I will bite you and strike you down
Dennis Derby: Black Tern losing breeding plumage over Horicon Marsh
Dennis Derby: Barn Swallow Landing at Horicon
Dennis Derby: Yellowheadedblackbird
Dennis Derby: Goldfinch
Dennis Derby: Male barn swallow up close
Dennis Derby: Forster's tern catching a fish at Horicon NWR(please open for more)
Dennis Derby: Black tern hunting
Dennis Derby: There she goes, there she goes again
Dennis Derby: Female Tree Swallow
Dennis Derby: Horicon Barn Swallows
Dennis Derby: Ruddy Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) over Horicon
Dennis Derby: Whooping Crane over Horicon
Dennis Derby: Redhead Duck (Aythya americana)
Dennis Derby: And someone wont hold still
Dennis Derby: Horicon Turtle
Dennis Derby: Forster's tern (Sterna forsteri) hovering
Dennis Derby: Muskrat!
Dennis Derby: Black tern - note band on leg
Dennis Derby: RWBB SOOTC - Horicon Marsh
Dennis Derby: Tree swallows nesting - Horicon NWR
Dennis Derby: Male Tree Swallow
Dennis Derby: The king of all birds..
Dennis Derby: Barn Swallows on a Cat tail - Horicon NWR
Dennis Derby: Yellow Warbler Horicon NWR
Dennis Derby: Female Red Winged Blackbird at Horicon
Dennis Derby: Barn Swallows flying at Horicon
Dennis Derby: Juvenile Yellow headed blackbird in cattails
Dennis Derby: Eastern Kingbird at Horicon
Dennis Derby: cedar w wing