scratchandsniff: Goof ball dining etiquette
scratchandsniff: Lunch wine
scratchandsniff: Lunch!!!
scratchandsniff: Garlic Scapes and Eringi Mushrooms
scratchandsniff: Porkbelly sammich' with Pickled Ramps and Nettle pesto
scratchandsniff: Garlic Scapes and Eringi Mushrooms
scratchandsniff: Garlic Scapes and Eringi Mushrooms
scratchandsniff: More Berries
scratchandsniff: Veg/fruit display
scratchandsniff: hungry shoppers
scratchandsniff: Tomato family
scratchandsniff: This one's for you, rain!
scratchandsniff: Chef's garden
scratchandsniff: Hello, spicy one.
scratchandsniff: Swiss chard Jr.
scratchandsniff: A little afternoon snack
scratchandsniff: My buddies outdoor herbs...puts my herb garden to shame
scratchandsniff: Berries!!!
scratchandsniff: Rhinebeck farmers market
scratchandsniff: Rhinebeck farmers market
scratchandsniff: Bread for breakfast
scratchandsniff: Yes... It's a wall of BEES
scratchandsniff: Breakdancing on the dock(?)
scratchandsniff: Gambas al Ajillo
scratchandsniff: All from the garden
scratchandsniff: The spread
scratchandsniff: Don't get fresher than this