scratchandsniff: Oh, I had waaaaay too much....
scratchandsniff: Zzzzzzzzzz........
scratchandsniff: 'Gimme the Mic!!!!'
scratchandsniff: Hard to look 'tough' with a pink ribbon
scratchandsniff: When it's your wedding day, and you're drunk, you're ALLOWED to look like a douchebag
scratchandsniff: Aha! My turn~
scratchandsniff: Audience to our madness
scratchandsniff: Double happiness
scratchandsniff: After dinner....
scratchandsniff: Chocolate Yuzu cake by Tumbador chocolates Chef, Jean Francois Bonnet
scratchandsniff: Green tea Matcha and Chocolate Cake
scratchandsniff: Girl on Girl action
scratchandsniff: Bottoms up people!
scratchandsniff: Steamed Dungeness Crabs with Noodles
scratchandsniff: Seafood Medley Basket
scratchandsniff: Fishmaw and Crabmeat Soup
scratchandsniff: Jellyfish and Pigs trotter salad
scratchandsniff: Salt baked Squid
scratchandsniff: Group prayer..?
scratchandsniff: JAWS!!!!!!!
scratchandsniff: Okay, done with the Ceremony... NOW FEAST!!!!
scratchandsniff: Who will win the head butting contest???
scratchandsniff: Oh here we go.....
scratchandsniff: My Relatives in 'attendance'
scratchandsniff: 'Any among us who think that these two should not wed speak'...Clergyman, Put your hand down....;-Q
scratchandsniff: The guests
scratchandsniff: Winter Rivulet
scratchandsniff: ...After I sign here, what happens?
scratchandsniff: Wow, we are REALLY Doing this!
scratchandsniff: Dessert for today...