GeorgeM757: N378CX AmeriJet International 767-323ER(BDSF) at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N281FL IFL Group 727-225A/F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: XA-UXI Aeronaves TSM MD-82F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: just like the good old days !!
GeorgeM757: N782TW Ameristar DC-9-15F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: XA-VCU aeronaves tsm MD-83SF at KCLE... ex American
GeorgeM757: same spot..different aircraft
GeorgeM757: XA-VDC aeronaves tsm MD-83F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N831US USAJet MD-83F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: XA-VAD aeronaves tsm CRJ-200ER at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N853U SATURN Lockheed L-188C Electra at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N205US USA JET DC-9-32CF at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N335UP UPS 767-34AF at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N701SW FLYING TIGERS 747-245F(SCD) at KLAX
GeorgeM757: 51 yr old Ameristar Falcon 20D at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N8635 ONA DC-8-63CF at KCLE
GeorgeM757: TI-LRO LACSA Lockheed L188CF Electra at KMIA
GeorgeM757: HK-1818 AEROCONDOR COLUMBIA 707-123B at KMIA
GeorgeM757: N124UP UPS A300F4-622R at KCLE
GeorgeM757: XA-PNG Metro III at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N726US USA JET 727-223F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: RA-82078 Volga-Dnepr AN-124-100 Rusian at KCLE
GeorgeM757: up close with the Antonov
GeorgeM757: N443UP UPS 757-24APF at KCLE
GeorgeM757: Antonov ......
GeorgeM757: N280UP UPS MD-11F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N286UP UPS MD-11F at KCLE
GeorgeM757: N255UP UPS MD-11F departing KCLE
GeorgeM757: N367MQ SKYWAY Short SD3-60 at KCLE