bethzuck: LRC Test (1 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (2 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (3 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (4 of 21)
bethzuck: Eric being thrown by Larry
bethzuck: Eric being thrown by Larry, braid flying
bethzuck: LRC Test (7 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (8 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (9 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (10 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (11 of 21)
bethzuck: LRC Test (12 of 21)
bethzuck: Larry fends off three attackers simultaneously
bethzuck: Zab hugs Larry after the test
bethzuck: First photo of Larry in the hakima
bethzuck: Eric hugs Larry after the test
bethzuck: Larry with Eric
bethzuck: Larry with sister Susan
bethzuck: Larry's hand-crafted knives
bethzuck: Linda Sensei proudly displays a handmade knife gift from Larry
bethzuck: Larry with Linda Sensei, Glen Sensei, and a photo of O Sensei