vallley: Ferrara: inside Duomo on Christmas day
vallley: Andrea
vallley: Duomo di Ferrara
vallley: Castello di Ferrara
vallley: Vecchi di Ferrara
vallley: Oscar and Andrea
vallley: Andrea's house in Ro Ferrarese
vallley: Oscar getting to know Jackie
vallley: Christmas lunch: Andrea's parents and grandparents
vallley: Andrea and Oscar
vallley: Oscar and Maurizio
vallley: Eating and eating
vallley: Andrea driving
vallley: Andrea making faces
vallley: ... and more faces
vallley: Il narciso
vallley: Andrea and Oscar
vallley: ... and me
vallley: Nativity scene: snowbaby Jesus
vallley: Nativity again
vallley: Another Nativity
vallley: Peruvian Baby Jesus
vallley: Andrea watching the Castle of Ferrara
vallley: Duomo on Christmas
vallley: Jackie with a rainbow ;)
vallley: Doc and Jackie
vallley: Street in Bologna
vallley: Another street in Bologna
vallley: Andrea opening his 30s, with me, Matteo and Oscar
vallley: A few more seconds wiser