Dany Morgens: W for Words
Dany Morgens: Wanderlust: Whining about not traveling the World at the moment
Dany Morgens: V for Volvo
Dany Morgens: Undecided, Ultimatively delicious,Unfair and Unilever
Dany Morgens: U for unite
Dany Morgens: What Time is it? It's Three o'clock! (T for Time and Three)
Dany Morgens: (part of a) Toy Tea kettle with the attempt of some light bokeh
Dany Morgens: S for Snapshot of some Sheep and Sheep S**T and Sky and probabaly a Sheppard somewhere and a Sick photographer
Dany Morgens: S for Snicker and other Sweets - all gone now
Dany Morgens: R for Red Riding hood and rag doll
Dany Morgens: R for Rain (drops)
Dany Morgens: P for a Present: The Pixi - book: Princess and the Pea and a few Peas
Dany Morgens: P for Part of a Plant
Dany Morgens: O for Oz on the ground
Dany Morgens: numbers, number Nine
Dany Morgens: night in trier
Dany Morgens: M for mushroom
Dany Morgens: M for Mist and trees
Dany Morgens: L for last bite
Dany Morgens: L for Licorice
Dany Morgens: Klaus's Kindle
Dany Morgens: myself
Dany Morgens: X for X ray
Dany Morgens: Xylitol
Dany Morgens: Y for Yesterday....,
Dany Morgens: Zora's Zebra crossing the zebra crossing
Dany Morgens: Z for Zeitgeist. It is as well a german word which contains the two words Zeit (Time) and Geist (Spirit). the meaning could be Sprit of the Time /Age