Dany Morgens:
still some apples left (for the birds)
Dany Morgens:
Point of view
Dany Morgens:
U for unite
Dany Morgens:
Dany Morgens:
Sunlight coming through
Dany Morgens:
Undecided, Ultimatively delicious,Unfair and Unilever
Dany Morgens:
texture in a tree
Dany Morgens:
Wanderlust: Whining about not traveling the World at the moment
Dany Morgens:
Another cake for Zoras third birthday
Dany Morgens:
W for Words
Dany Morgens:
X for X ray
Dany Morgens:
red on white
Dany Morgens:
Dany Morgens:
bad mood, bad light, bad weather
Dany Morgens:
bad mood, bad weather and Oz in the background
Dany Morgens:
Dany Morgens:
a pink Alice Band (Is that really the english word for it?)
Dany Morgens:
more words
Dany Morgens:
winter beauty
Dany Morgens:
Y for Yesterday....,
Dany Morgens:
Dany Morgens:
Snow pattern in BW
Dany Morgens:
Zora's Zebra crossing the zebra crossing
Dany Morgens:
Z for Zeitgeist. It is as well a german word which contains the two words Zeit (Time) and Geist (Spirit). the meaning could be Sprit of the Time /Age
Dany Morgens:
flower in black and white
Dany Morgens:
really tiny flower
Dany Morgens:
blue and green laces
Dany Morgens:
finally a sign for spring
Dany Morgens:
wall with roots and a green bench
Dany Morgens:
black interior for the weekly colour challenge