whohenstein: Sedge Wren
whohenstein: Common Loon!
whohenstein: Lesser Yellowlegs and Willet
whohenstein: Dunlin and Least Sandpiper
whohenstein: Clapper Rail
whohenstein: short Billed Dowitcher
whohenstein: Black Necked Stilt
whohenstein: Black Necked Stilt
whohenstein: Yellow throated Warbler
whohenstein: Little Blue Heron
whohenstein: Eastern Willets
whohenstein: Laughing gull colony
whohenstein: Dunlin and a least sandpiper
whohenstein: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs (and dunlin)
whohenstein: Willets and Dunlin
whohenstein: Eastern Willets
whohenstein: Skimmers and others
whohenstein: A mix of birds
whohenstein: Dunlin
whohenstein: Orchard Oriole Singing
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plovers
whohenstein: Eastern Willets
whohenstein: Banded Piping Plover
whohenstein: Western Willet
whohenstein: Western willet
whohenstein: Western Willets
whohenstein: Eastern Willet
whohenstein: Eastern Willet
whohenstein: Herring gull drops a clam