whohenstein: A mix of small sandpipers sanderlings leasts semipalmated sandpipers and plovers
whohenstein: A Study in Sanderling fall plumage
whohenstein: American Oystercatchers Roosting including R4 and P3
whohenstein: Atlantic Willet in front of Western Willets
whohenstein: Baltimore Orioles 2 service road
whohenstein: Baltimore Orioles Service Road
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover Alternate Plumage
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plovers chasing
whohenstein: Black Skimmers and Royal Terns
whohenstein: Black Skimmers
whohenstein: Caspian Tern and Herring Gull
whohenstein: Caspian Terns Great Black Backed and Ring billed gulls
whohenstein: Eastern Kingbird 2
whohenstein: Eastern Kingbird with almost no white on tail
whohenstein: Eastern Kingbird
whohenstein: Greater and lesser Yellowlegs giving funny looks
whohenstein: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Herring Gulls chase sub adult Great Black Backed Gull
whohenstein: Juvenile Laughing Gull
whohenstein: Juvenile Least Tern
whohenstein: Juvenile Sanderling in front
whohenstein: Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers
whohenstein: Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers2
whohenstein: Least Sandpipers
whohenstein: Least Semipalmated and Western
whohenstein: Lesser Black Backed Gulls Adult and sub-adult
whohenstein: Lesser Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Mixed Sandpipers including westerns