whohenstein: Ruff feeding
whohenstein: Ruff 5
whohenstein: Ruff 4
whohenstein: Ruff 3
whohenstein: Ruff 2
whohenstein: Ruff feeding and looking around
whohenstein: Ruff feeding with killdeer
whohenstein: Ruff feeding
whohenstein: Ruff Displaying Ruff feathers
whohenstein: MVI_4869_Moment4
whohenstein: MVI_4869_Moment3
whohenstein: MVI_4869_Moment2
whohenstein: MVI_4869_Moment1
whohenstein: Slo Mo of Ruff ruffling feathers
whohenstein: Ruff 7 7
whohenstein: Ruff 7 7 second
whohenstein: Ruff 7 7