whohenstein: Garganey Chincoteague NWR Wl Loop4
whohenstein: Scanning the flock at Swans Cove
whohenstein: Skimmers and Terns
whohenstein: Yellow-breasted Chat Singing
whohenstein: Yellow-breasted Chat
whohenstein: Yellow-breasted Chat
whohenstein: Egret Heron and Ibis Rookery 175
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron on a rookery
whohenstein: Dowitchers Short Billed on the right Long Billed on the left maybe
whohenstein: Dowitchers
whohenstein: More Dowitchers
whohenstein: Dowitchers
whohenstein: Garganey and Lesser Yellowlegs 2
whohenstein: Garganey and Lesser Yellowlegs 3
whohenstein: Garganey and Lesser Yellowlegs feeding
whohenstein: Garganey and Lesser Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Garganey and Mallard
whohenstein: Garganey and yellowlegs
whohenstein: Garganey back of head
whohenstein: Garganey Chases a Lesser Yellowlegs Chincoteague NWR Wl Loop
whohenstein: Garganey Chincoteague NWR Wl Loop
whohenstein: Garganey Chincoteague Resting
whohenstein: Garganey feeding
whohenstein: Garganey feeding
whohenstein: Garganey Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers feeding
whohenstein: Garganey preens and rests
whohenstein: Garganey Yellowlegs and Mallards
whohenstein: Great Crested Flycatcher
whohenstein: Merlin