whohenstein: Black Rosy Finch facing forward
whohenstein: Brown Capped Rosy Finch Flys off
whohenstein: Brown Capped Rosy Finch getting stood on by a Black Rosy Finch
whohenstein: Two Grey Crowned Rosy Finches - Hepburns
whohenstein: Black Rosy Finch Sandia Crest
whohenstein: Brown Capped Rosy Finch and Grey Crowned Rosy finches Sandia Crest
whohenstein: Grey Crowned Rosy Finch Sandia Crest
whohenstein: Rosy Finch Black Sandia Crest
whohenstein: Grey Crested Rosy finches Interior and Hepburn
whohenstein: Brown Capped with Band Slo Mo
whohenstein: Rosy Finches Slowed Down
whohenstein: MVI_1357