whohenstein: Adult Molting Hudsonian Godwit
whohenstein: American Avocet feeding.jpg
whohenstein: American Avocet
whohenstein: American Avocets 2
whohenstein: American Avocets
whohenstein: Hudsonian and Marbled Godwits
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook 2
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook 2
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook 3
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook 4
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook 5
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook juvenile
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook
whohenstein: Hudsonian Godwit Bombay Hook
whohenstein: Godwit getting away
whohenstein: Peregrine Going after Hudsonian Godwit still
whohenstein: Peregrine going after Hudsonian Godwit
whohenstein: Peregrine going after Hudsonian Godwit
whohenstein: Hudsonian Ready to bolt
whohenstein: Peregrine makes a pass
whohenstein: Peregrine going after Hudsonian Godwit slowed down
whohenstein: 2 Hudsonians and avocets
whohenstein: Hudsonian Greater Yellowlegs and lots of avocets
whohenstein: Hudsonian with Muddy head
whohenstein: Another Hudsonian wing flap
whohenstein: Hudsonian Wing flap slo mo
whohenstein: Hudsonian Wing flap
whohenstein: Hudsonian
whohenstein: Adult and Juvenile Hudsonian Godwits
whohenstein: Adult and Juvenile Hudsonian Godwits