whohenstein: Laughing gull vocals
whohenstein: BN Stilt lesser yellowlegs and SB Dowitchers
whohenstein: Seaside Sparrow
whohenstein: lesser and greater yellowlegs and plenty of others
whohenstein: BN Stilts Tricolored herons Whit Ibis Snowy Egrets
whohenstein: tricolored heron white ibis snowy egret SB Dowitcher
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron Juvenile
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpipers and others flying
whohenstein: greater and lesser yellowlegs SB Dowitchers
whohenstein: Sandpipers flying and vocalizing and lesser yellowlegs in close
whohenstein: Lesser Yellowlegs chipping with SB Dowitchers flying overhead
whohenstein: Lesser yellowlegs SB Dowitcher SP Sandpiper and others
whohenstein: Spotted Sandpiper with Willet calling in background
whohenstein: Seven Stilt Sandpipers in lower left
whohenstein: Lots of birds Tom's Cove
whohenstein: Terns and others Tom's Cove
whohenstein: Active feeding on Tom's Cove