whohenstein: Clapper Rail out in the open
whohenstein: Atlantic Willet Feeding and Vocalizing
whohenstein: Whimbrel Eating an Fidler Crab
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover
whohenstein: Snapping Turtle
whohenstein: House Wren
whohenstein: Short Billed Dowitchers
whohenstein: Least Sandpiper
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpiper
whohenstein: Great Black Backed Gull Vocals
whohenstein: Dunlin
whohenstein: Short Billed Dowitcher with vocals
whohenstein: Three Ruddy Turnstones and a Dunlin
whohenstein: Piping plover and semi palm zoom out
whohenstein: powerful zoom
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit Chincoteague NWR and others
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit Chincoteague NWR 1
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit Chincoteague NWR
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpiper Vocalizations
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow on Territory
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow with Clapper Rail and Marsh Wren in background
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow Preening
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow Singing
whohenstein: Seaside Sparrow Chipping
whohenstein: Chuck-Wills Widow Song
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow Saxis
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow Singing a very buzzy song
whohenstein: Saltmarsh Sparrow doing a Split
whohenstein: Blue Grosbeak
whohenstein: Seaside Sparrow Singing