whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers feeding
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers (and killdeer)
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers
whohenstein: Comparison of SB Dowitcher and Stilt Sandpiper
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper Adults transitioning out of breeding plumage
whohenstein: A nice assortment of Sandpipers
whohenstein: Following Stilt Sandpipers Around
whohenstein: Least Sandpiper with Semipalmated Sandpipers for comparison
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper getting pushed around by lesser yellowlegs
whohenstein: Dowitcher and Stilt Sandpiper resting in midst of Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper and Short Billed Dowitcher with a prelude of Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpiper
whohenstein: Purple Sandpiper
whohenstein: Purple Sandpiper CBBT
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpipers Aggressive Behavior
whohenstein: Aggressive Dunlin Feeding Behavior
whohenstein: Western Willets
whohenstein: Atlantic Willet
whohenstein: Atlantic Willet
whohenstein: Atlantic and Western Willets
whohenstein: Willets on the Beach
whohenstein: Dowitchers least and semipalms
whohenstein: Red Knots on the beach
whohenstein: Red Knots on the wing
whohenstein: Red Knots and others on the beach
whohenstein: Semipalmated Plover with Band APU
whohenstein: Short Billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs, and a Semipalmated Sandpiper
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpipers on the wing
whohenstein: Semipalmated Plovers
whohenstein: Semi palm and worn adult least
whohenstein: Black Turnstones with Vocalizations