whohenstein: Gray Cheeked Thrush Montecello
whohenstein: Nashville Warbler Montecello
whohenstein: Rose Breasted Grosbeak 2
whohenstein: Rose Breasted Grosbeak
whohenstein: Common yellowthroat
whohenstein: Female Northern Parula Warbler
whohenstein: Slightly out of focus Gray Cheeked Thrush
whohenstein: Blue Winged Warbler
whohenstein: Northern Parula Male Monticello
whohenstein: Chestnut Sided Bathing Monticello
whohenstein: Chestnut sided song
whohenstein: Blackpoll at top of tree Mnticello
whohenstein: Black Throated Green Warbler Monticello
whohenstein: Bay Breasted Monticello
whohenstein: Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak Monticello 2
whohenstein: Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak Monticello
whohenstein: Female Indigo Bunting Monticello
whohenstein: Black and White and Chestnut Sided Warblers Monticello
whohenstein: Magnolia Warbler Monticello
whohenstein: Wood Thrush Monticello
whohenstein: Yellow Rumped Warbler Monticello
whohenstein: Chestnut Sided Warbler Monticello
whohenstein: Wood Thrush Monticello
whohenstein: Yellow Rumped Warbler Monticello
whohenstein: Black Throated Green short
whohenstein: Common Yellowthroat
whohenstein: Black Throated Blue Singing 2
whohenstein: Black Throated Blue Singing
whohenstein: Black Throated Blue and RK Kinglet Monticello