whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
whohenstein: Lark Sparrow
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher with prairie grasses in background
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher with vocals
whohenstein: ScissorTailed Flycatchers interacting
whohenstein: Loggerhead Shrike
whohenstein: Loggerhead Shrike
whohenstein: Loggerhead Shrike
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatchers flying with vocals
whohenstein: Scissor Tailed Flycatchers vocals and flying off
whohenstein: Lark Sparrow
whohenstein: Painted Bunting
whohenstein: Lark Sparrows
whohenstein: Upland Sandpiper
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers flying with vocals
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers (and killdeer)
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers feeding and pan out
whohenstein: Upland Sandpiper Close up
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers
whohenstein: Upland Sandpiper
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers feeding
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers
whohenstein: Upland Sandpipers
whohenstein: Upland Sandpiper
whohenstein: Swainson's Hawk
whohenstein: Swainson's Hawks
whohenstein: Swainson's Hawks