whohenstein: Black Tern Looks for a Landing Spot
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover in mostly breeding plumage
whohenstein: Caspian Tern ... then a bunch of Royals
whohenstein: Sandwich Tern and friends
whohenstein: Black Terns
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plovers
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover
whohenstein: Adult and Juvenile Sandwich Terns
whohenstein: More of the Adult and Juvenile Sandwich Terns
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper and Short Billed Dowitcher with a prelude of Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpiper
whohenstein: Dowitcher and Stilt Sandpiper resting in midst of Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers
whohenstein: Dowitcher in front Stilt Sandpiper in back
whohenstein: IMG_3671
whohenstein: MVI_3670
whohenstein: IMG_3669
whohenstein: Short Billed Dowitcher
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper
whohenstein: Stilt Sandpiper getting pushed around by lesser yellowlegs
whohenstein: Adult and juvie Sandwich terns -- different pair
whohenstein: Semipalmated Plovers
whohenstein: IMG_3639
whohenstein: Semipalmated Plovers
whohenstein: Red Knots and others on the beach
whohenstein: Dead Sea Turtle on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Dead Sea Turtle on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Dead Sea Turtle on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Old Shipwreck on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Old Shipwreck on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Old Shipwreck on Assateague Beach
whohenstein: Old Shipwreck on Assateague Beach