whohenstein: Pink-footed Shearwater
whohenstein: Western Tanager
whohenstein: Anna's Hummingbird
whohenstein: California Scrub Jay
whohenstein: Anna's Hummingbird
whohenstein: Anna's Hummingbird
whohenstein: Western Tanagers and Brown Headed Cowbird
whohenstein: Brown Headed Cowbird and Western Tanager
whohenstein: Western Tanager
whohenstein: Scrub Jay and Western Tanager
whohenstein: Mountain Quail and young
whohenstein: Wrentit
whohenstein: Wrentit
whohenstein: Western Tanager
whohenstein: Black Headed Grosbeak
whohenstein: Another gull
whohenstein: Pelagic Cormorant
whohenstein: Pigeon Guilomont
whohenstein: Immature Glaucous-Winged Gull (maybe)
whohenstein: Pigeon gullimont
whohenstein: Brandt's and Pelagic Cormonrants
whohenstein: Pacific Loon
whohenstein: California Quail
whohenstein: California Quail
whohenstein: Mountain Quail
whohenstein: Black-footed Albatross
whohenstein: Black Footed Albatross
whohenstein: DSC_0621
whohenstein: DSC_0620
whohenstein: DSC_0619