whohenstein: White Winged Scoter Showing off
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter
whohenstein: Black and White Winged Scoters
whohenstein: Finding a Ross's Goose
whohenstein: Surf Scoter
whohenstein: Ross's Goose
whohenstein: Ross's and Snow Goose
whohenstein: Ipswich Savannah Sparrows -- dunlin vocals in the background
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter
whohenstein: White Winged and black scoter
whohenstein: Bald Eagles
whohenstein: Snow Goose UY 21
whohenstein: Ross's Goose Possible Hybrid
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter close 2
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter close
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter
whohenstein: Virginia Rail Still 2
whohenstein: Virginia Rail still
whohenstein: Virginia rail
whohenstein: Redheads
whohenstein: Virginia Rail 1
whohenstein: Virginia Rail 2
whohenstein: Virginia Rail 3
whohenstein: Redheads
whohenstein: Typical Savannah
whohenstein: Black Scoters
whohenstein: Black Scoters
whohenstein: Scoters -- Black
whohenstein: Scoters -- Black
whohenstein: Song Sparrow Vocals Chipping