whohenstein: Nashville Warbler
whohenstein: Nashville Warbler
whohenstein: Lincoln's Sparrow
whohenstein: Lincoln's Sparrow
whohenstein: Female Purple Finch
whohenstein: Black throated green warbler
whohenstein: Magnolia Warbler
whohenstein: Magnolia Warbler
whohenstein: Magnolia Warbler
whohenstein: Black Throated Green Warbler
whohenstein: Parula with Magnolia, Ovenbird, and BTG in the background
whohenstein: Nashville Warbler
whohenstein: Nashville Warbler
whohenstein: Purple Finch
whohenstein: Yellow Rumped Warbler Singing
whohenstein: Ruby Crowned Kinglet Singing
whohenstein: Palm warbler singing Grainy
whohenstein: Palm Warbler feeding
whohenstein: Lincolns closer cropping
whohenstein: Lincolns at a distance
whohenstein: More Black Throated Green Warbler
whohenstein: Lincolns sparrow singing
whohenstein: Palm Warbler Sings briefly at the end
whohenstein: Nashville, with Ruby Crowned Kinglet singing in the background .. as well as a Magnolia and others