whohenstein: Dunlin
whohenstein: Marbled Godwits
whohenstein: Atlantic Willet
whohenstein: Ruddy Turnstone
whohenstein: Blue Grosbeak Wildlife Loop
whohenstein: White Rumped Sandpiper and Semipalmated Sandpiper Wildlife Loop
whohenstein: White Rumped Sandpiper chasing Semipalmated Sandpiper Wildlife Loop
whohenstein: White Rumped Sandpiper Wildlife Loop
whohenstein: Black necked stilts out on the wildlife loop
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover with the worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really really really really really really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really really really really really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really really really really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really really really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a really big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover and a big worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover yanks at a Worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover finds a Worm
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover finds something
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover Tom's Cove
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover wins the Worm
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpiper Tom's Cove2
whohenstein: Semipalmated Sandpiper Tom's Cove
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron Beach Drive with a fish
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron Beach Drive hunting a fish
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron Beach Drive Hunting
whohenstein: Black Crowned Night Heron Beach Drive
whohenstein: Horned Lark Parking Lot