whohenstein: Franklin's Gull Roost
whohenstein: Long Tailed Mockingbird
whohenstein: Great Grebes
whohenstein: Andean Coot
whohenstein: American Oystercatcher
whohenstein: Great Grebe with two chicks along for the ride
whohenstein: White Cheeked Pintail
whohenstein: Spotted Sandpiper
whohenstein: Black Skimmers a Franklin's Gull and a horse
whohenstein: Whimbrel close up
whohenstein: Pie billed grebe
whohenstein: Peruvian Pelican
whohenstein: Common Moorhens and neotropical Cormorant
whohenstein: Belcher's Gull
whohenstein: Belcher's Gull and Grey Headed Gull
whohenstein: Belcher's Gulls
whohenstein: Franklin's Gull
whohenstein: Whimbrel
whohenstein: Kelp and Franklin's Gulls
whohenstein: Elegant Tern
whohenstein: Peruvian pelicans and Peruvian boobies
whohenstein: Tropical Kingbird
whohenstein: Vermilion Flycatcher 2
whohenstein: Vermilion Flycatcher
whohenstein: Vermilion Flycatchers
whohenstein: House Wren
whohenstein: Eared Dove
whohenstein: Scrub Blackbird
whohenstein: Half finished apartment building -- w tenants