whohenstein: Thresher Shark on Beach
whohenstein: Thresher Shark 2
whohenstein: Immature Great Black Backed and Immature Herring Gulls
whohenstein: Thresher Shark
whohenstein: Gobs of tree swallows
whohenstein: The sky full of tree swallows
whohenstein: Tree Swallows coming in to rest
whohenstein: Tree Swallows
whohenstein: Masses of Tree Swallows
whohenstein: A few of the many tree swallows
whohenstein: Tree Swallows resting in the dunes
whohenstein: Tree Swallows skimming the dunes
whohenstein: Tree Swallows across the sky
whohenstein: Tree Swallows over the dunes
whohenstein: Gulls roosting with Tree Swallows swarming in the background
whohenstein: Piping Plover
whohenstein: Immature Black Crowned Night Heron
whohenstein: Snowy Egret with Legs turning to Black
whohenstein: Clapper Rail
whohenstein: Chincoteague Cat resting on Grave
whohenstein: Swamp Sparrow
whohenstein: Lesser Black Backed Gull
whohenstein: Chipping Sparrow
whohenstein: Song Sparrow
whohenstein: Palm Warbler 2
whohenstein: Field Sparrow
whohenstein: Red Knot
whohenstein: Sanderlings among the horseshoe crab shells
whohenstein: Dunlin and Sanderlings
whohenstein: Dunlin