whohenstein: least and dunlin
whohenstein: least sandpipers
whohenstein: American Oystercatchers banded ones
whohenstein: Piping Plovers male and female
whohenstein: plovers 3
whohenstein: piping plovers 3
whohenstein: piping plovers 2
whohenstein: Piping Plovers
whohenstein: Piping Plovers
whohenstein: piping plovers flying
whohenstein: piping plovers
whohenstein: Piping Plover
whohenstein: Dunlin
whohenstein: Greater Yellowlegs
whohenstein: Whimbrel
whohenstein: Whimbrel
whohenstein: Whimbrel
whohenstein: banded oystercatchers
whohenstein: ibis taking off
whohenstein: glossy ibis
whohenstein: Short billed Dowitchers
whohenstein: Willets and Short Billed Dowitchers
whohenstein: Marbled Godwit Willet and others
whohenstein: Marbled Godwit and Friends 2
whohenstein: Willet among resting shorebirds
whohenstein: Marbled Godwit and Friends
whohenstein: Short Billed Dowitchers
whohenstein: a mix of shorebirds
whohenstein: Marbled Godwit and a bunch of others